Update: McLennan County Election Data Shows Fewer Than 2,000 Precinct 2 Voters Were "Purged" Since 2022
McLennan County's Democratic candidate for County Commissioner Precinct 2 was caught in another lie.
In my previous post, I showed that Mr. Davis claimed 7,000 voters were removed in County Commissioners Court Precinct 2 in his Facebook video.
When I asked about his data source (on the right side), Davis replied that he got the materials from the McLennan County Election Office and the Secretary of State.
There’s only one problem: His data sources show that this is not even close to true.
Here are the records, check them out for yourself.
For those of you unable to open the file (or who don’t feel like it) here’s the breakdown:
Only 1,727 voters were “purged” from County Commissioner Precinct 2 between 11/01/2022 and 10/10/2024.
By the way, that 2024 date was AFTER Davis made his video claiming 7,000 people were removed from Precinct 2 which means at the time of recording there were even fewer removed than these records show now, and he is still wrong.
Even if one gives Davis the benefit of the doubt and thinks maybe he meant ALL the voters removed from County Commissioner Precinct 2 during those two years (which he attempted to do by having it both ways in his Facebook post), it still shows that only 4,561 voters were removed. (That number includes the 1,727 voters purged above.)
On top of that, there’s no way to know one’s race, ethnicity, country of origin, or sexual orientation based on voter registration data. The only demographic data available would be male/female (which is optional by the way) and date of birth.
So any race-baiting claims or suggestions Davis made go right out the window along with the rest of his bogus claim.
Make sure to send this to everybody in McLennan County Commissioner Precinct 2 who is considering voting for this man. He has not only shown to be dishonest and misrepresents public data for race-baiting and fear-mongering, but he also has a history of not showing up for 2 years on public boards yet brags about his service.
There are two alternatives in this race: Donis “DL” Wilson, who is running as a Republican, and Travis Gibson, who is running as an Independent write-in candidate.
I can’t vote in that contest as I don’t live in Precinct 2, but surely the taxpaying citizens deserve someone better than a candidate who thinks the press and public won’t check into their claims.
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I have led 4 Citizens Groups throughout multiple Central Texas counties. Our goal is non-partisan: to assist our Elections Department in cleaning our county voting rolls, just like we support the department serving as Election Judges and Clerks. Our Citizen overview reviews an address to see if people have moved, if an address is incomplete, if the citizen has deceased, etc.. We have never targeted specific areas of a County or specific persons as Candidate Davis alleges. Mr. Davis could have requested records, like Mr. Camacho easily obtained from the County Elections Department. How can Mr. Davis adequately represent the citizens of County Commission Precinct 2, if he doesn't know how to do a bit of basic research first?